Thursday, September 4, 2008


The Olympics was very exciting time so far this year. I watched alot of diffrent sports there i never really get to watch and or chose to watch. The one sport i followed the most was basketball, with the USA Basketball team not winning in a while this was a must win Olympics for them or they would be looked down on not only by the rest of the world but from the united States it slef. The USA was dominating the sport coming into the 2000's and then something happened, It looked like the Americans stopped taking winning a gold medal serious and where living in the past. Not to take anything away from players around the world but we do have the best talent even though the rest of the world has very good players that play in the NBA, America still has the best players and there is no reason we should not win the gold every 4 years. They won the bronz two times in a row and well America now put together a team for the past 4 years that has the right mix of guys. They have veterains and young talent on the team and well the rest of the world did not stand a chance against our high powered offense and over powering defense. The USA worked hard did not take this as a joke and dominated the Olympics like they should everytime they compete. Now lets see all these sports writers talk bad about USA basketball, let them say the way we play can not win in the Olympics. Its back to the world vs. USA and we still would come out on top. One more Gold for Mens USA Basketball the worlds glory is over, they have reawakened a sleeping monster.

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