Friday, September 12, 2008

#3 ''Student Athlete''

What does it mean to be a student athlete? You have to break it down because if you are not a student there is no way u can be an athlete. You need to have at least a 2.0 GPA to play and have to be a full time student. WOW this sounds really easy when you write it, and then you realize how much time is taken away from your school work. Between weight room and practices and games there is very little time for school work and you must find the time or you will fail off the team. Teachers expect you to do alot of reading and much studying. To find time for all of this is so very hard even if your coaches have a study hall. No one cares how you get it done as long as you get it done. You see many students that just go to school and don't do anything els and it seem so very easy, then you get a student who has a full time job and that seems hard but not as hard because they have some time in between. The student athlete has to be on top of his game in the class room as well as the court or on some other type of playing ground.  The pressure of everyday life and school and a sport on top of it may be to much for certain people or maybe unthinkable for such people but this is a reality for the student athlete. Student athletes don't complain about it they just do it but this is the hardship one may go threw.

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