Thursday, September 4, 2008

Blog #1

I sit here and think about somthing to write about for my first blog and can not find anything in my head. I play basketball and go to school, I live all the way in queens and it takes me 2 hours or more to get to school. I spend most of my time at school because my schedule is planned out really bad. On tuesdays i get to school at 9am and leave school around 10pm, to wake up for my 8am class the next day. I also have basketball workouts I am doing in the offseason to be ready for the season so I am extra tired. My whole week is very draining and leave me limited time for school work yet i have to find spare time to get everything done. Once basketball season starts it will get even harder but more fun. I am trying to push myself to being a better person in life and not allowing negative things hold me back. Most of the fight is the fight within myself to stay focused and make the right decisions in life. I'm really going to enjoy bloging it seems fun and it may just help me release some of my stress by talking about my life and my everday activitys.

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