Friday, September 12, 2008

#4 maurice evans ---

For the past three years one of my best friends maurice evans  has been in penn state university, there he has been playing football for one of the best football teams in the nation and he has shinned. He didn't red shirt his freshmen year like most freshmen would do. He got right in the mix and come his sophomore year he was a monster on the field. He was considered one of the best Defensive Ends in the nation. He is a junior this year and may just end up in the NFL next season. Other then that Maurice is an outstanding person I have known him for awhile now and me and him are close friends even though we don't speak as much because of our busy schedules.  He is due to graduate college in may a whole year early, this is very impressive knowing that football is a very intense sport and takes up alot of his time. Maurice aka MO is a 6 foot 3 260 pound defensive end yet has great personality thus this is why we are probably such good friends. I have been around many great athletes in my young career some of my friends have gone on to play in st.johns and florida and seton hall but MO is a diffrent breed of a person he has it all the brain the athletic abilty and the right people around him to guide him to the finish line. He had just about every college calling him everyday from USC to Virgina and any other big time football program, but he felt he wanted to be close to home and chose penn state. One of the best decisions in his life he is now atop the elite players in college football. If you wanna see him play he will be on TV alot this season he play for penn state and wears the #48. He's a defensive end. MoMO good luck my brother ....... 

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