Tuesday, September 23, 2008

update on MO..

Maurice missed another week of football this week due to his suspension but he took his punishment like a man and is ready to see the field next week against Illinois. The game will be on every channel it is the 8 PM game prime time baby. He has been going threw some rough times being a preseason ALL AMERICAN and yet only playing in one game so far this year. The big #48 will be back on the field tackling everything in his way. He is hungry and wants to eat, this is the first real challenge the penn state football team will see thus far this season as all of there games this season have been blow outs. Even with many key players missing from there defensive front, but now they are back and looking for another blowout against conference rivals ILLINOIS. #48 Maurice Evans VS. ILLINOIS saturday 8pm. 


Do you hate to be sick? Well i hate to be sick now that im older and have way more things i have to do. When i was a little kid i loved being sick because i can stay home from school and do nothing. Now I'm sick and yet still have to do things because people dont care if your sick or not. School work or your job many people just dont care how you do it as long as it gets done. OK so yea I wanna see the people who dont care about me when im sick when they are sick, I would love to see how much work they get done and how happy they are doing it. Yes they will prob ask for extensions and look for someone to give them leeway and care about how they feel. Anyways im just probably a little cranky because i have strep throat and my body is aching but who can blame me. Would i rather be feeling well and going to class yea but what can i do but take my medicine and suffer all by myself in my house, So do you hate to be sick ? because if you do your liying.

Friday, September 12, 2008

#4 maurice evans ---

For the past three years one of my best friends maurice evans  has been in penn state university, there he has been playing football for one of the best football teams in the nation and he has shinned. He didn't red shirt his freshmen year like most freshmen would do. He got right in the mix and come his sophomore year he was a monster on the field. He was considered one of the best Defensive Ends in the nation. He is a junior this year and may just end up in the NFL next season. Other then that Maurice is an outstanding person I have known him for awhile now and me and him are close friends even though we don't speak as much because of our busy schedules.  He is due to graduate college in may a whole year early, this is very impressive knowing that football is a very intense sport and takes up alot of his time. Maurice aka MO is a 6 foot 3 260 pound defensive end yet has great personality thus this is why we are probably such good friends. I have been around many great athletes in my young career some of my friends have gone on to play in st.johns and florida and seton hall but MO is a diffrent breed of a person he has it all the brain the athletic abilty and the right people around him to guide him to the finish line. He had just about every college calling him everyday from USC to Virgina and any other big time football program, but he felt he wanted to be close to home and chose penn state. One of the best decisions in his life he is now atop the elite players in college football. If you wanna see him play he will be on TV alot this season he play for penn state and wears the #48. He's a defensive end. MoMO good luck my brother ....... 

#3 ''Student Athlete''

What does it mean to be a student athlete? You have to break it down because if you are not a student there is no way u can be an athlete. You need to have at least a 2.0 GPA to play and have to be a full time student. WOW this sounds really easy when you write it, and then you realize how much time is taken away from your school work. Between weight room and practices and games there is very little time for school work and you must find the time or you will fail off the team. Teachers expect you to do alot of reading and much studying. To find time for all of this is so very hard even if your coaches have a study hall. No one cares how you get it done as long as you get it done. You see many students that just go to school and don't do anything els and it seem so very easy, then you get a student who has a full time job and that seems hard but not as hard because they have some time in between. The student athlete has to be on top of his game in the class room as well as the court or on some other type of playing ground.  The pressure of everyday life and school and a sport on top of it may be to much for certain people or maybe unthinkable for such people but this is a reality for the student athlete. Student athletes don't complain about it they just do it but this is the hardship one may go threw.

Thursday, September 4, 2008


The Olympics was very exciting time so far this year. I watched alot of diffrent sports there i never really get to watch and or chose to watch. The one sport i followed the most was basketball, with the USA Basketball team not winning in a while this was a must win Olympics for them or they would be looked down on not only by the rest of the world but from the united States it slef. The USA was dominating the sport coming into the 2000's and then something happened, It looked like the Americans stopped taking winning a gold medal serious and where living in the past. Not to take anything away from players around the world but we do have the best talent even though the rest of the world has very good players that play in the NBA, America still has the best players and there is no reason we should not win the gold every 4 years. They won the bronz two times in a row and well America now put together a team for the past 4 years that has the right mix of guys. They have veterains and young talent on the team and well the rest of the world did not stand a chance against our high powered offense and over powering defense. The USA worked hard did not take this as a joke and dominated the Olympics like they should everytime they compete. Now lets see all these sports writers talk bad about USA basketball, let them say the way we play can not win in the Olympics. Its back to the world vs. USA and we still would come out on top. One more Gold for Mens USA Basketball the worlds glory is over, they have reawakened a sleeping monster.

Blog #1

I sit here and think about somthing to write about for my first blog and can not find anything in my head. I play basketball and go to school, I live all the way in queens and it takes me 2 hours or more to get to school. I spend most of my time at school because my schedule is planned out really bad. On tuesdays i get to school at 9am and leave school around 10pm, to wake up for my 8am class the next day. I also have basketball workouts I am doing in the offseason to be ready for the season so I am extra tired. My whole week is very draining and leave me limited time for school work yet i have to find spare time to get everything done. Once basketball season starts it will get even harder but more fun. I am trying to push myself to being a better person in life and not allowing negative things hold me back. Most of the fight is the fight within myself to stay focused and make the right decisions in life. I'm really going to enjoy bloging it seems fun and it may just help me release some of my stress by talking about my life and my everday activitys.